Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract
Arch Systems, LLC (Arch) is proud to be a Prime Contractor on the Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC) Vehicle. Arch is qualified for 3 out of 5 socioeconomic categories in the Small Business pool for SPARC.
ability to be a leader
As a Prime Contractor, we have assembled many contractors of the CMS and HHS contractor community—19 small and 12 large businesses.
We are a creative “Integrator,” showcasing the healthcare and IT capabilities of each individual team member while simultaneously enabling mutually beneficial partnerships through increased collaborative efforts.
Arch presents a compilation of highly relevant past performance to SPARC SOW. Since 2012, Arch has been the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor on no fewer than 12 federal contracts that are relevant to the service categories in which tasks will be awarded on the SPARC IDIQ contract.
With over 10 of service to CMS, Arch has established two large office locations near CMS headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland.
Arch presents a compilation of highly relevant past performance to SPARC SOW. Since 2012, Arch has been the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor on no fewer than 12 federal contracts that are relevant to the service categories in which tasks will be awarded on the SPARC IDIQ contract.
With over 10 of service to CMS, Arch has established two large office locations near CMS headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland.
CMS-approved accounting system
Arch has a CMS-approved accounting system and financial adequacy which is imperative for the management of Cost Plus Fixed Fee and Cost plus Award Fee contracts.
CMS Technical Environment Experience
Arch has a multitude of accomplishments in the CMS technical environment, a vital reason that we are the best choice for CMS projects, now and in the future.
Arch has unique capabilities as a small business because we are currently staffed with CMS technical experts, former CMS Office of Information Services (OIS) employees, and have built a staffing network with CMS experts in various areas of the SOW. The excellent experience and understanding of the Technical Reference Architecture (TRA), hardware, software and security accreditation such as Authority to Operate (ATO), and various Gate Reviews at CMS makes Arch an attractive small business contractor.
Arch has unique capabilities as a small business because we are currently staffed with CMS technical experts, former CMS Office of Information Services (OIS) employees, and have built a staffing network with CMS experts in various areas of the SOW. The excellent experience and understanding of the Technical Reference Architecture (TRA), hardware, software and security accreditation such as Authority to Operate (ATO), and various Gate Reviews at CMS makes Arch an attractive small business contractor.
Proven Innovations Capabilities
Arch has a corporate commitment to total quality and to producing solutions that are innovative yet cost-effective. Our corporate experience has delivered to CMS purposeful, value-driven innovations that have reduced costs, improved quality, save time, and so realized efficiency.
Arch brought cost-savings of $125,000 in the Base Year of the Physician Quality Reporting System and Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program Data Validation (PQRS eRx DV) project by successfully completing project deliverables below allocated funding, and in the Option Year (OY) 1 Arch has effectively identified potential fraud and recommended program improvements (over $179,000). Arch also provided agile and efficient migration of the Recovery Audit Contract (RAC) Data Warehouse (DW) system from the Companion Data System (CDS) data center to the IT-CNP data center within three weeks of project inception.
Clinical Subject Matter Expertise for IT Systems Development and Supporting Services
Our vast CMS experience led us to realize the importance of clinical subject matter expertise in developing CMS IT systems, solutions, and services. We therefore invested in building a clinical business line at Arch with experienced physicians and nurses, termed as the Arch Clinical Enterprise (ACE) Group. This staff helps Arch bridge the gap between clinical and IT knowledge that otherwise tends to exist in system development; our diverse teams are cooperative and synchronized and are consequently able to produce exceptionally comprehensive results. Their clinical and subject matter contributions towards the various phases of the Expedited Life Cycle (XLC) ensure that our solutions and services align with the healthcare needs of the Medicare and Medicaid beneficiary populations, providers, and insurance companies.
Arch has also invested in Training Specialists for systems training, learning management, and education and outreach support services, so we are always able to provide up-to-date, state-of-the art educational experiences. Our Training Business Service augments our clinical and IT capabilities in projects such as the Unified Case Management System (UCM).